Blog Post


  • By Dan Ward
  • 08 Jun, 2017


Often referred to as the ‘sneak thief of sight’, Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve. Many patients don’t know they have the condition until irreversible vision loss occurs.


The most common symptom of Glaucoma is ocular hypertension (pressure in the eye). In some cases, the eye pressure can’t be felt unless the pressure is elevated. Other symptoms of the condition include,


-Seeing halos around lights

-Sudden decreased vision

-Progressive visual field loss

-mid-dilated pupil


Patients with a family history of the condition are at most risk of developing the condition. However, obesity, prolonged use of steroids and ocular trauma can all lead to the condition.

Types of Glaucoma

Your eye specialist will conduct an examination of your eyes to determine the Glaucoma type. The two types of Glaucoma are:


-Open Angle Glaucoma (two-thirds of patients suffer from this condition)

-Acute Angle Closure


Patients with open angle Glaucoma experience a drainage angle. This is where fluid leaves an area of the eye. This causes the eye not to function properly while pressure builds up. 

Eye Tests

The examination of your eyes will measure the fluid pressure as well as:


 -Examine the optic nerve

-Test the visual fields

-Examine the drainage angle

Treatment Options

The aim of Glaucoma treatments is to prevent any further nerve damage while preserving visual field vision. Your eye specialist will determine the best treatment for your Glaucoma. This includes:





-Drainage Implants


All patients with the condition can lead a normal life with the right treatment.


 Your eyes need to be looked after. If you are concerned about your vision, don’t wait any longer. Book an appointment with Hinkler Eye Wear today. Call us today on, (07) 4151 4700.


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