Blog Post

Macular Degeneration

  • By Dan Ward
  • 08 Jun, 2017

Macular Degeneration 

Macular is the leading cause of vision loss, worldwide. Although it never causes complete blindness, sufferers have difficulty reading and recognizing faces. If you are worried about your eye sight, it is important that you have regular eye tests.

What Causes Macular Degeneration?  

The exact cause of macular generation is still to be determined. However, older patients with a family history of the condition have an increased chance of developing the condition.

 Other factors that contribute to Macular Degeneration include:


-High blood pressure

-High cholesterol

-Obesity (particularly in men)

 As you get older, your eyes need to be looked after. Without regular check-ups, you could be suffering from this condition.

Signs of Macular Degeneration

Anyone over the age of 50 should be vigilant when it comes to the health of their eyesight. If you are concerned about developing the condition, the key signs to look for are:

 -Distorted vision (where lines appear to be wavy)

-Blurred vision

-Difficulties distinguishing between light and dark colours

-Loss of contrast sensitivity

 Your eye specialist will do a proper examination of your eyes and determine the exact problem with your vision. 


As Macular Degeneration affects the retina, there is no cure. However, it is very treatable and many patients live normal lives. The most common treatments include: 


-Photodynamic Therapy

-Laser Photocoagulation 

To help decrease your chances of developing the condition, changes in lifestyle will help. Including:


-Quitting smoking

-Eating more fruit and leafy vegetables

-Including more omega-3 rich foods

-Having regular eye tests


 For the best eye care treatment in Bundaberg, get in touch with Hinkler Eye Wear today. To book an eye test, call us on (07) 4151 4700.


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